Planning to send money to Sri Lanka?
We’re working hard to allow customers to send LKR to Sri Lanka from India - but we’re not quite there yet.
Sign up to our wishlist below and get notified when we launch LKR transfers.
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Send money
Account details
- British poundSwift/BIC, IBAN, Sort code and Account number
- EuroSwift/BIC and IBAN
- United States dollarRouting number, Swift/BIC, Account number and Account type
- Australian dollarBSB code and Account number
- Canadian dollarInstitution number and Account number
- Hungarian forintSwift/BIC, IBAN and Account number
- Malaysian ringgitAccount number
- New Zealand dollarAccount number
- Romanian leuBank code and Account number
- Singapore dollarBank name, Bank code and Account number
- Turkish liraIBAN